Tip of the Week
Baseball Excellence Proudly Presents the Free Tip Of The Week! Every week we send you valuable hints and tips taken from our Newsletters, Videos, books or simply subjects chosen at random. They include tips on pitching, hitting, fielding, coaching, base running, catching, conditioning, and a sound mental approach to the game.
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September 30, 2013 Tip of the Week
Tips for the Runner at First Base- A few Advanced Tips for the base runner at first.
The 3-2 count. If you are given the sign to go on this pitch, (3-2 and 2 outs you go without a sign) play it just like a hit and run; make sure the pitcher goes to the plate before you break for second. Be aware of the backdoor play with a LH pitcher.
First baseman playing behind the runner. Be aware of the backdoor play.
On your primary lead keep your eyes on the pitcher and listen to your first base coach.
Out of your secondary lead make your first two steps back to the base HARD. Don't hang in the baseline and give the catcher a chance to pick you off.
When returning to first keep your eyes on the catcher and your ears on the coach.
Break up the double play- With less than two outs go directly into the base. Low and hard. No head first slides when breaking up the double play. You must slide directly into the base.
Read the ball in the dirt- Follow the ball out of the pitcher's hand and read the "down" pitch. If you have an aggressive secondary lead you will be able to advance on many balls in the dirt that are not directly in front of the catcher.
Ground ball in the hole at Short Stop- As you approach the bagdo not start your turn (arc) in front of second base too early. Go hard and straight into the bag until you see the ball go into the outfield. If you begin your arc too early and the SS fields the ball you will be an easy out at second.
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